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Lakeland is a beautiful community located between Tampa and Orlando. All Saints' is located in the historical district, and we are an important part of the spiritual heart of downtown Lakeland.

We believe that God has assigned a unique role to All Saints’ Episcopal Church. The central value of All Saints’ Episcopal Church is to make an impact on the world with the message of Jesus Christ.

In Romans 1:16 , Paul says, “I am not ashamed of the message of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” At All Saints’ we believe that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the only thing that can transform and sustain a person's life and lifestyle. Our church is dedicated to presenting this message so that every person is given an opportunity to understand and believe the gospel.

For regular churchgoers, Sunday is always a high point in the week. With all the stress the week may bring, it is easy to lose that high feeling and God can seem to be further away. Whether you are a Sunday only or not a churchgoer at all, All Saints’ offers a mid-week opportunity to capture the uplift or solace you seek at 12:10 pm each Wednesday in St. Mary's Chapel. You can attend the all important Eucharist service complete with an inspiring message from celebrants, Fr. Reid Hensarling and Rev. Kathy Hulin, on the Bible readings of the day.

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The International Order of Saint Luke is an inter-denominational religious order dedicated to the Christian healing ministry begun in 1932 by an Episcopal priest. OSL is ecumenical, with members belonging to a variety of Christian denominations. OSL believes that healing exists today. Healing occurs through the hands of health professionals as well as through the hands of fellow Christians. As the Bible teaches, we are equipped to heal with the power of Jesus Christ.

The OSL Doulos Chapter prayer team at All Saints' trains with resources from the international organization. The parish prayer team assists our Rector in parish pastoral ministry, including:

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Coming Soon

Listed here are brief descriptions of many, but certainly not all, of our ministries. We invite you to volunteer for one or more by filling out and submitting the volunteer information form to the right.


Administration Opportunities

Church History: Help research and maintain material for updating the parish history.

Heritage Center: help with the administration and organization of historical records.

Mail: Assist with collating, folding, labeling and stuffing mailings as well as worship bulletins.

Memorials: Acknowledge memorial gifts and maintain the memorial book.

Offering: Count and record funds each week.

Secretarial Work: Help with various office chores such as addressing envelopes, typing, using the computer or copier, sorting and filing, running errands.


Education Opportunities

Baptism/Confirmation Classes: Help teach the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, so candidates will be prepared.

Small Group Bible Study: Provide fellowship, sharing, and caring for others while meeting in homes for bible study.

Children's Sunday School: Lay the foundation in excellent, exciting Christian Education that will guide and sustain children as they mature.

Teacher of Adults: Prepare and teach bible lessons, generate excitement, and encourage participants to share ideas and thoughts.


Fellowship Opportunities

Parish Outings: Help plan church fellowship outings, which take different forms each year depending on the season and the talents of the volunteers.

Saints in Action: Plan activities and lunch for monthly meetings. Arrange for trips and other outings for adults over age fifty-five.

Softball Teams: Play softball with other adults and older teens. Games are scheduled in the winter and late spring.

Membership Opportunities

Membership: Keep parish rolls current by helping record changes of membership status.

New Members: Extend the hand of friendship and fellowship to new members and help plan the annual new member social.


Men's Ministry Opportunity

Men's Small Group Bible Study: Help plan and lead a monthly small group bible Study.


Mission Opportunities

God Squad: Perform small repair and maintenance on homes of parishioners or the needy.Humanitarians: Search out and visit and recommend potential ministries for the Domestic Outreach Council to support.

Nest Builders: Seek out projects for parishioners to implement by personal service.

Scholarship & Evangelism Team: Receive and read applications for aid from members or worthy people in difficult situations who are in school.

Thrift Store: Join men and women who operate our Thrift Store on Florida Avenue.

Foreign Mission: Help us build All Saints', Moroceli, Honduras


Music Opportunities

Adult Choir: Provide service music and leadership every Sunday, except during July and August. Benefit from professional vocal instruction.

Hand Bell Choir: Make music, work together as a team, and read music using color coding, if necessary. Develop and enhance musical abilities.

Instrumentalists & Vocalists: Musicians enhance worship at special services and events throughout the year. Perhaps you can play an instrument.

Pastoral Care Opportunities

Hospital Visitation Volunteer: Make needed visits to members or friends in local hospitals.

Eucharistic Visitor: On Sunday, carry the Holy Communion to members who cannot attend worship.

Order of St. Luke: Join this healing ministry and support others in their various needs for healing and comfort.


Sacraments Opportunities

Baptism Assistant: Help prepare people for baptism.

Funeral Assistant: Help prepare people for funerals.

Wedding Assistant: Help prepare couples for weddings.


Spiritual Growth Opportunity

Prayer Fellowship: Help with this small prayer group that meets weekly in the homes of its participants.


Women's Ministry Opportunities

Bookstore & Gift Shop: Clerk on weekdays and/or Sundays.

Fall Festival: Prepare foods and crafts for this youth fellowship ministry and fund raiser, held every two years.

Funeral Hospitality Caregivers: Plan, prepare, and serve food at funeral receptions held in the church.

Kitchen Saints: Prepare homemade goodies.

St. Elizabeth Chapter DOK: Older ladies who dedicate themselves to prayer, service, and devotion.

Worship Opportunities

All Saints' Acolyte Parents (ASAP): Help provide a ministry for youth to learn in worship services.

Altar Guild Members: Help prepare the altars for worship services.

Festival Decorators: Help plan and install the decorations for Easter, Lessons and Carols, and Christmas.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Assist clergy in Holy Eucharist or other worship services.

Lectors: Read bible lessons and prayers at worship services.

Needlepoint Guild: Create needlepoint art for the worship areas of our church.

Ushers: Set the tone and personality of the congregation when greeting and seating those arriving for worship.

Vergers: Serve as marshal of processions and oversee worship order.


Youth & Young Adult Ministry Opportunities

Academy of Etiquette & Manners: Train youth in etiquette and manners, with respect to communicating, eating, sports events, and emergency situations.

Acolytes: Youth who serve in the worship services. They light candles, carry crosses, torches, flags, and incense during processionals.

Advent Pageant & Party: Help plan and carry out the annual Pageant on the Sunday before Christmas. Help provide a party afterwards, with a visit from St. Nicholas.

Children's Ministry: Help lead youth through grade 5.

Junior EYC: Help lead youth in grades 6-8.

Senior EYC: Help lead youth in grades 9-12.

First Holy Communion Classes: Help educate children in grades K-2 to have a better understanding of Holy Eucharist, in preparation for receiving their first Holy Communion.

Infant & Toddler Nursery: Provide supervision, for infants and toddlers so that parents may worship knowing their children are enjoying a safe, secure, caring environment.

Kid's Club: Children in fifth grade and younger are invited to meet for fellowship, singing, and social outings.

Vacation Bible School (VBS): Lend a hand with youth at the summer Vacation Bible School.


Educational Offerings Handout4

On Sundays

10:00-10:40 a.m.
Nursery & Children - Bible in One Year
Youth - Lectionary Scripture Readings
Adults - Book of Common Prayer with Rev. Bob Johnson & Ignacio Morrell
Journey with Jesus Class (Lectionary focus) with Rev. Kathy Hulin
Lectionary Class with Dan Bridgeford
Parent Class with Fr. Reid Hensarling
Sunday School Class with Dr. Alan Snyder

On Mondays (April 15 - June 10)

6:00-7:00 p.m. 

Many Times & Many Places with Dr. Alan Snyder, Luke Classroom

On Tuesdays

12:10-12:30 p.m.
Noonday Prayer in St. Mary’s Chapel

On Wednesdays

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Bible Study (Philippians) with Fr. Reid Hensarling

12:10-1:10 p.m.
Healing Service in St. Mary’s Chapel with Rev. Kathy Hulin

6:00-7:30 p.m.
Kids Club - Fruit of the Spirit focus
Youth Group - Small group discussion (life & faith sharing)
Parent Class (until 6:50 p.m.)

7:00-8:30 p.m. (April 3 - June 26)
Christian Theology with Fr. Reid Hensarling
Ephesians with Phil Mays

On Fridays

6:15-6:45 a.m.
Morning Prayer in St. Mary’s Chapel

7:00-8:30 a.m.
Bible Study (Hebrews) with Fr. Reid Hensarling

3:30-4:30 p.m. (1st & 3rd Fridays)
Book Discussion Group (The Abolition of Man by C. S. Lewis) with Fr. Reid Hensarling and Dr. Alan Snyder

On Social Media

Daily Lectionary with Fr. Reid Hensarling
Bible Study with Fr. Reid Hensarling
Quiet Time with God Prayer Meditation
Worldviews with Dr. Alan Snyder

Family Ministries Activities

Contact Rev. Kathy Hulin at 863-688-4502


8:30 a.m. Children’s Church and Nursery
10:00 - 10:40 a.m. Sunday School Classes for PreK through High School
10:40 a.m. Children’s Church and Nursery 


6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Youth Handbells Rehearsal
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Kids’ Club (Music, Children's Parish Academy) and Nursery Care
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Youth Group
7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Extended Care during Parish Academy

Encouragement Ministries


4:30 p.m. Centering Prayer Group (offsite)

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